Peer Tutoring to Emotionally Handicapped Students Essay.
In this study, the different issues of dealing with the educational development of the students experiencing emotional disturbances shall be presented well in clarity. Along with the said aspect of learning in the said issue, the implication of other elemental factors contributing to the said issue shall also be dealt with considerably within the context of this study. Peer Tutoring to Emotionally Handicapped Students Essay. The main reason of adding these essential factors of discussion within the context of this research is simply to be able to increase the knowledge of the readers with regards dealing with the situation.The entire study then is further expected to make necessary achievements in making it certain that the process of increasing educational competency among emotionally disturbed individuals is indeed achievable and factual in the actual course of educational progress. Through this discussion, it could be noted that the process by which the hearts and the minds of the students could be best reached is given the highest level of concern. Thus,understanding the study as a whole shall give an overview to the readers as to how they are supposed to treat individuals with emotional disturbance issues. Undeniably too, the educators would Peer tutoring also learn so much from this study as they begin to examine how strong the approach of peer tutoring is to the situation being dealt with. Constant concentration on the matter shall also give the readers a clarified understanding of how the said matter of situation could be possible dealt with though assessment of character education among students thus giving them fair chances of having the ability to acquire the knowledge needed by each individual.Purpose of the Study As noted earlier, the reason for this study is to actually open the minds of the ones concerned to the actual possibilities of making amends with the situation of individuals who are likely suffering from emotional disturbances.
Students are the particular target of the study as well as their educators who are noted to have direct connection to the being of the students as their mentors. The peers of the students who are usually involved in the development of the minds of the said individuals are likely to be notably targeted as the main actors of change in this study. This is primarily because of the fact that they are to be the ones who would act the possibilities of helping their Emotionally Disturbed peers in performing better in school, thus aiming to continuously achieve better in their studies. To have a clearer break down of the main purpose of this study, the said points are to be presented as follows:
Peer tutoring•To assess the possibility of creating a link between the emotionally handicapped students and the normal students as they are expected to help each other in their progressive process of learning. Peer Tutoring to Emotionally Handicapped Students Essay.•To help the educators and the family members of individuals who are affected by emotional disturbances,understand the situation clearly, thus equipping them with the right understanding as well as the right skill to face the different challenges of the matter as they are trying to make an impact on the personal development of the individuals involved in the said health issue. •To increase the competence of the educational institutions in handling the major issues that are connected in dealing with students who are primarily emotionally disturbed. Through this triad of purposes, the study presented in this paper shall then be handled by the researcher with much concentration on how the young learners having special needs shall be given the rightful attention that they are actually supposed to receive from the educational institutions that they are particularly involved at. Most likely, the institutions referred to herein are most often than not the public schools where several students enrolled are having emotional disturbances. Through the assessment of their situation, the colossal effect of the situation of the said young learners with that of the learning attitude of the others and how the said Peer tutoring process of reaction could be reversed to work for the better through the application of peer tutoring procedures shall be the target focus of this research. Part 2: Review of Related Literature To be able to gather the needed literary sources needed to validate the information presented within this research, there is a strong need for making amendments on the connection of book sources with the internet sources that are to be utilized to facilitate this study. Peer Tutoring to Emotionally Handicapped Students Essay.Through the help of the said extra readings, the researcher aims to be further notified on how the paper should actually be completed not only based on the proposed purpose of this study asit is, but also on the major findings that other researches are primarily focused upon in discussing the competencies of the application of peer tutoring that naturally increases the validity of this study. Part 3:
Through the research of the literature needed in completing this study, the existence of actual application of the procedures suggested for peer tutoring approach is indeed one of the major features of this study. The constant consideration placed upon the consistency of the research’s aim in proving the competency of the usage of peer tutoring in assisting emotionally Peer tutoring handicapped individuals shall make the information presented within the context of this study, a more practical approach in presenting the data needed in proving the actual importance of peer tutoring in the process of educational progress today. Peer Tutoring to Emotionally Handicapped Students Essay.
References:Neville, Helen & Johnson, Diane Clark & Garob, Clark(2004).Temperament Tools: Working With Your Child’s Inborn Traits. Parenting Press. ISBN-10: 1884734340. Niolon, Richard Ph.D. (2001). Child Temperament from Psych page.Partners & Couples.Cooper, E. (2004). Teaching all the children: strategy for developing literacy in an urban setting. New York. Clifford Press. 203. Doman, G. (2005). What to do about your brain-injured child. The Gentle Revolution Press. Wyndmoor. 221. Peer Tutoring to Emotionally Handicapped Students Essay.