Indoor Pollution and Employee Health Sample Paper.
The performance of workers in a particular employment establishment is usually affected by the different factors that surround them at work. Undeniably, one of these factors is that of the environment that the said workers are particularly involved with. Undeniably, such truth compels the major operations in the world of business today. Most likely though, one of the less cared issues in the workplace is the existence of indoor pollution that particularly affects the performance of each worker within his own area of responsibility. Indoor Pollution and Employee Health Sample Paper.
Understandably, many people considers the existence of outdoor pollution, however, only a few actually realizes that with the many pollution existing outside the homes or offices of people today, there exists a huge level of pollution within the four walls of the rooms and offices that most people work with in the commercial industries today. The sad thing with regards the issue is the fact that indoor pollution hurts people much more than outside pollution does. Why is this so? As it could be noted, outside, the environment is rather wide ranged making the release of pollution quite distributed in a large scale of space,whereas indoors, the space is limited making any possible pollution rather concentrated and direct to the ones occupying the said space. This is the main problem that modern employees of the commercial world have to deal with as they stay within their areas of responsibility inside the buildings of their companies. Indoor Pollution and Employee Health Sample Paper.How should the problem be dealt with then? This research would directly present the issues covering the discussion and the particular solutions that may be applied for the sake of the progress of the situation’s occurrence in the work places. This study would also aim in increasing the level of performance of workers within Indoor Pollution and Employees offices through making it easier for them to breathe easily in their own work spaces. With the assessment of both the environmental and the economical status of the offices of the workers in the American setting today, the solutions shall be expected to come out and thus appear to be much practical for further application in actual situations. Statement of the Problem Keeping good employees is one of the primary goals of any business organization today.It could be observed that one of the basic requirements for a company to exist on the business industry is to have loyal employees who are willing to serve the organization at the best efforts that they could. Certainly, one way to ensure that an employee is well kept and given the satisfaction that he needs is making his area of work relaxing and environmentally breathable.The following questions shall give an overview of the guidelines that would be utilized by the researcher for the completion of this paper.The said questions are as follows: •What are the actual needs of the employees for satisfaction?•What are the factors that contribute to their better performance at work? •How do architecture, business and psychological practices apply together in the situation of the employees’ work habits? •For further improvement, what do employees actually suggest on the matter for them to be able to perform well at work? •What are the major elements of work that drives a certain employee to decide on remaining within a certain organization? These five questions are to be addressed within the context of this study. Through the said queries, the author of this research shall have a basic guideline for the processes needed to complete this study. Significance of the Study It is very important that both the old-timers in the business industry as well as the newcomers learn of their large responsibility in giving their employees the best treatment that they deserve from the organization. Indoor Pollution and Employee Health Sample Paper.Giving importance to the employees means giving importance to the organization itself. The employees themselves determine the overall reputation of the company in the business industry. Hence, through this study, the audience or readers at that are expected to come from the business sectors, which include small and large-scale organizations that aim to get the best out of their employees through satisfying them with the job that they are working on in the company,shall benefit well with the research. Mainly, through this study, they will learn of the key factors that would naturally contribute to the increased performance-level of their people force as per measured through assessing the environmental capacity of the work areas to provide what the workers particularly need. This way, they are not only giving favor to their employees but they are also giving favor to the clients in terms of good service and favor to the organization itself in terms of profitable sources of income. ..
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