Cognitive Dissonance Sample Essay

Cognitive Dissonance Sample Essay

The experience that I have had with cognitive dissonance is when I faced with the tough decision of who to select to represent my class and our school in the district symposium. As a class teacher of form four East I was torn between giving this chance to Meila an orphan and Zura a bright girl from a well off family.Cognitive Dissonance Sample Essay

Zura was always on the top of class in everything and Meilla too was also as good as Me Zura though Zura was the best. This competition meant everything for Meila and it could change her life completely. Meila had lost her parents when she was young and she had depended on scholarships and well wishers for her support. The two were to represent the school in this district symposium and whoever was to emerge the winner would be awarded a full scholarship for her college education. During the last week of the rehearsals a letter from the organizers proposed only one participant from our school. As the class teacher I was given the sole responsibility of choosing between the two.Cognitive Dissonance Sample Essay


The approach I used to sort out this conflict was the heuristic problem-solving method (Brehm, & Cohen, 1962). This is where an educated intelligent guess is applied. It also encourages a person to learn and come up with the right answer. I rediscovered, understood on how to solve the problem by evaluating the possible answers or solution (Festinger, 1957).

I thought about the orphan poor girl and how much this will go a long way in financing her college education. She had the potential to win and she was very determined I called the two girls and explain what was  at hand I asked who was willing to give the other  a chance and as I had thought no one was willing. I finally decided to give this chance to Meilla and she proved me right. Cognitive Dissonance Sample Essay