Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Essay Paper

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Essay Paper

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted in 1996 by the United States Congress and was signed by President Bill Clinton in the same year.


Senator Edward Kennedy and Senator Nancy Kassebaum were the initial sponsors of the HIPAA (Chaikind, 3). Title I of the HIPAA is meant to protect the workers’ health insurance cover as well as their families in times when they change their jobs or when they have lost them. Whereas Title II of the Act which is also known as the Administrative Simplification (AS) provisions necessitates the establishment of national standards for all national identifiers for providers, electronic health care transactions, employers and health insurance plans (Chaikind, 3). Title II also addresses the need for privacy and security of health data and the adopted standards are meant to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of nationwide health care system by fostering the employment of electronic data interchange in the healthcare system in the United States.Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Essay Paper

This topic is critical in my future career as it touches on integral parts of health insurance cover for all workers in the United States. Presently, there is a crisis in terms of the number of individuals who are fully covered by health insurance and thus this topic serves as a challenge to all policy makers in the healthcare sector to ensure workers are better covered (Tennant & Krupp, 4). The element of privacy and security of personal electronic health care data is important to ensure individual information is kept confidential and is out of reach of malicious users. In my future career, the need to improve the efficiency and effectiveness in the usage of the healthcare system is paramount (Francis). This can only be done by encouraging the employment of electronic data interchange in the entire United States health care system. Therefore, the relevance of HIPAA in my career in healthcare cannot be overemphasized as it serves as a reference source for any medicolegal profession. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Essay Paper