NRS 430 Topic 1 DQ 2: Examples of Plagiarism Essay.
List three examples of plagiarism and discuss how plagiarizing as a student affects the integrity of a baccalaureate degree, the public perception of the nursing profession, and evidence-based practice. Describe two things you will do to ensure academic integrity in your work. NRS 430 Topic 1 DQ 2: Examples of Plagiarism Essay.
Re: Topic 1 DQ 2
Plagiarism can be committed in several different ways. Summarizing without acknowledgement of the original author is plagiarism. Paraphrasing and copying quotes without disclosing who said those words are two more examples. When plagiarism happens, it devalues a baccalaureate program by diluting the integrity of those involved. Sharing words, thoughts, and ideas from others can validate and confirm one’s own ideas. The opposite happens when we don’t. It is important to know the proper ways to recognize the original author in a person’s writings.
Nurses are very bright individuals. When plagiarism is involved, it discredits the nurses own thoughts. Evidence Based practice needs to have the proper guidelines to ensure that the proper views are shared. There needs to be confirmation of research and facts to make the evidence valid.
I will make sure that whenever I am writing down another person’s quotes, words, or ideas, that I will include the original author. If I am putting the writings into my own words or paraphrasing, the original content needs to be recognized. I will do that by citing my information. I will also use the tool that checks your paper for similarities before submission. I will give credit where credit is due. NRS 430 Topic 1 DQ 2: Examples of Plagiarism Essay.
Re: Topic 1 DQ 2
Plagiarism exists in our every day lives. Who ever really thinks when you are talking to your boss, that you are plagiarizing your spouse by telling her something that you and him/her discussed the night before and she is led to believe that these are your thoughts and views, although it is the combined thoughts and discussions you two shared. it is still presented as your thought and your words and there for you are literally plagiarizing your spouse by not giving him/her the credit for the idea or the discussion. Plagiarism occurs in several different ways, you have the well known plagiarism where you copy someones writing and place into your essay word for word and claim them as your own, which is intentional. Then you have the form of plagiarism where you try to summarize what you have read but unintentionally use alot of the same words without putting it into your words and giving credit to the article or person you were quoting.The form of Plagiarism i honestly never thought about was when you are repeating gossip for instance. NRS 430 Topic 1 DQ 2: Examples of Plagiarism Essay.Without giving credit to your source you are basically plagiarizing the person that told you the information you are now repeating to someone else.
Plagiarism affects the integrity of baccalaureate degree in the fact that we as nurses hold a public service position, and with this position we are held not only to a higher standard, but the public expects that because we are nurses will tell them the truth. As nurses we are also expected to keep their private information to ourselves. Who hasn’t had a crazy day and thinks to yourself OMG, i cant wait to tell my spouse about all the crazy patients i dealt with today? But as Nurses we are all taught about HIPPA and because of this patient right, they tell us things that you are not expected to tell anyone, in order to be able to properly care for them. If you as a Nurse can’t even be truthful and honest when writing an essay, then how can the public trust you to keep their private information to yourself?
We have all heard that saying ” What do you call a Doctor who graduated last in his class? A doctor” The same applies in this situation. You might be able to plagiarize your work and get away it, but what kind of nurse does that make you? Are you going to be that nurse that we have all come across where you told yourself, “oh if she can be nurse then i should have no problem” It is mean to say however cheating and lying your way through your classes does not do you any justice, sure maybe it helped you stress a little less because you didn’t have to spend as much time on your paper, but you are only cheating yourself out of knowledge that might have made you better nurse if you just took the time to research and and properly write your research paper.
To prevent myself from plagiarizing, i plan to give my self adequate time to do the proper research and ensure i give the credit to where it is due. i will write my essays in my words and express my views and feelings of a topic, and if i have to use someone else’s words to provide a fact, i will ensure i quote them and list them as a resource. NRS 430 Topic 1 DQ 2: Examples of Plagiarism Essay.