Cause and Effect of Sleep Deprivation Essay

Cause and Effect of Sleep Deprivation Essay


According to the medical study, Boonestra (2006, et .al) explained the scientific facts of sleep deprivation patterns of macroscopic and mesoscopic effects, which these are the two types of brain activity responsiveness to the incoming stimuli responded distinctively of the neural activity, reflecting a reduction in attention (sleep). Cause and Effect of Sleep Deprivation Essay

Sleep Stress Test

In the situation of stress, the ability to do every day functioning becomes unstable as the brain loses energy to boost the neural receptors to reactivate its human life functionings.  The stress behaviors may cause mental and physical problems, such as, depression, chronic pain, restless-legs syndrome and physiopathological disorders (e.g., hypnagogia or dyssomnias disorders) (American Psychiatric Association, 2000).


Sleep Stress Test

My sleep stress test for one week has complied into seven days with the degree of sleep difficulties scale while I work or at leisure activity. My levels of sleepiness during work or leisure time are elaborated in the discussion as I have evaluated my sleep patterns. Cause and Effect of Sleep Deprivation Essay

I managed to stay alert as possible on Monday to Wednesday as I stayed wide-awake on the degree of difficulty scale of Morning total of 4 hours, the score for Nap time total of 30 minutes. In the afternoon, I had lunch, and I tend to fell asleep with the total of 16 hours. Then, in the evening, I was pretty much the same as in the afternoon but I did not fall asleep completely until in the evening. Lastly, at night, I really want to fall asleep after a long busy day. My night time total sleep hours is 45 hours and 30 minutes. However, I fought off my desire to sleep but it was not too difficult but I do show a bit of difficulty on the scale of (1). Even though, I felt increasingly difficult to stay awake on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday on the scale of (2). I have came to realize that I have not wake up realizing that I had accidently dozed off during the week at all at nighttime. The total of Fought off/ignored need to sleep is 9 hours.  My need for a stimulant supplement is scaled as a frequently on Monday, Wednesday while I feel the need for caffeine most of time on Tuesday toSaturday, except Wednesday. However, occasionally, I felt the need for stimulant to stay awake on Saturday with the Needed caffeine/Stimulant to stay awake totaled of 17 hours. Cause and Effect of Sleep Deprivation Essay


Elizabeth Short (2008) recommended the Progressive Muscle Relaxation as a stress technique -A shortened muscle exercise, which I would use during the break time. I would move my neck on sideways on both sides for few minutes each upper body parts. My Personality Type A/B questionnaire SCORE is 220. The survey is a modified version of the Jenkins Activity Survey (Jenkins, Zyzanski, & Rosenman, 1971). Cause and Effect of Sleep Deprivation Essay

My score was based on how frequent I do interpersonally with encounters, friends, parents, and co-workers. .  According to Holmes & Rahe statistical predication model, I scored 196, and about 50% probability of life altering moderate change to stress-related Illness.  As I am aware that there are so many factors contribute to my stress. It is known that acute and chronic stress have an impact on the immune system. Therefore, If I do not have a positive self-image, or have an optimistic outlook on life and handing my businesses in life, I could have increase stress constantly and or become chronic stress terminal ill patient (Holmes & Rahe, 1967). Cause and Effect of Sleep Deprivation Essay


American Psychiatric Association (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, 4th ed. Text Revision. Washington, D.C.: Author

Boonstra, T.W., Stins, J.F., Daffershofer, A. & Beek, P.J. (2007) Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Neural Functioning: An Integrative Review. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 64 (7-8), Pp. 934-946. Retrieved July 13, 2011 from: ProQuest Database.

Holmes, T.H. & Rahe, R.H. (1967) The Social Readjustment Scale, Journal of Psychomatic Research, 11, Pp. 213-218. Retrieved July 13, 2011 from:

Jenkins, Zyzanski& Rosenman (1971). Personality Type A/B Questionnaires. Retrieved July 13, 2011 from:

Scott, E. (2008) Reduce Tension with Progressive Muscle Relaxation. Retrieved July 13, 2011 from: Cause and Effect of Sleep Deprivation Essay