Chamanlal Kamani’s Medical aid Essay Paper

Chamanlal Kamani’s Medical aid Essay Paper

, Zuri Group’s Founder and Chairman, has always been committed to building socially aware and empowered communities. In keeping with his beliefs, the Group aims to conduct a series of awareness camps and external expert lectures for staff and then to local public on the ill effects of smoking.

Kamani Foundation is the Charitable Trust of the Zuri Group Global created and established in the year 1999. Conceptualized by the Founder and Chairman , the object of the Trust is to fulfill social responsibilities and render charity activities without the distinction of caste, creed, gender and religion. With a lot of nurturing and help from the sons and Vice Chairmen – Mr. Deepak Kamani and Mr. Rashmi kamani, the Kamani foundation is known for its CSR activities. Chamanlal Kamani’s Medical aid Essay Paper


Through its Foundation, Zuri makes multiple efforts to provide medical aid and support to medical organizations and local communities in the form of camps, donations and specialized treatment. The Foundation is known for disbursing medical aid by providing medical treatments as well. Thus providing the much needed medical help to all the poor people.

At Kumarakom, the Foundation involves itself in bettering the support system of the local medical facilities. The Group provides extended support to cancer patients for availing medical treatment, approved and recommended by elected local body members. It also provides ongoing support to the Primary Health Centre, Kumarakom, for conducting Pulse Polio Camps in the area.Chamanlal Kamani’s Medical aid Essay Paper

A part of the activities of the Centre is conducting regular camps on request of social bodies in any part of the country. These camps disburse awareness of artificial limbs as well as provide those in need with related aid such as plastic calipers, metal calipers and crutches. The Foundation conducted a camp in 2002 on the request of the Junagadh District Automobile Association benefitting more than 800 people. Similarly, in March ‘07 a camp organized in Goa had a total of 346 beneficiaries registered, from which 105 were provided artificial limbs and other walking aids. Chamanlal Kamani’s Medical aid Essay Paper