Change and Leadership Sample Assignment.
The paces at which changes are taking place are posing significant challenges to many
people and business entities across the globe. New technologies coupled with contemporary
aspects such as competition not forgetting a sea change in customer expectations. Businesses are
now changing their fundamental building blocks on areas related to decision making, employee
motivation, adoption of new cultures and allocated responsibility among others (Cole and Kelly,
2011). Change and Leadership Sample Assignment.All these are aspects of change that leaders in many organizations across the globe have
to oversee. However, achieving such changes may not be easy. Groups and teams, politics,
economics, society and technology within organizations could pose as inhibiting factors. At
Adidas, such have been evident as subsequently highlighted.
Adidas is a German company that deals with the design and manufacture of sport shoes
and clothing accessories. In fact, it is the largest sportswear manufacturer in Europe. Change and Leadership Sample Assignment. Lately
though, Adidas has faced massive competition from other sportswear companies coupled with
other political issues such anti-Adidas chatter on social media. In addition, changes in the
economies of majority of countries and societal preferences of certain goods have lately changed
hence affecting the sales margins of Adidas (Segran, 2016). For instance, issues such as global
recession made people have less disposable income hence affecting the company. As indicated
earlier in the text, technological changes are happening at rapid speeds. Change and Leadership Sample Assignment. Changes in technology
have made other companies such as Nike develop better products to rival Adidas’ products
(Adidas AG SWOT Analysis, 2015). Adidas has however done a lot in efforts aimed at diagnosing or analyzing change in the
organization. First, Adidas employs participative leadership in its operations meaning that
opinions of everybody are factored in decision making process (Thompson and Martin, 2005).
Secondly, employee involvement is highly practiced not forgetting transformational change
mechanisms that the company uses to bring about change at the organization. Change and Leadership Sample Assignment.Other
organizational designs and strategic management strategies adopted by Adidas in efforts aimed at
coping with change include aspects such as local incrementalism or experimentation, adaptation
to changing trends, and direction or use of managerial authority to establish a clear strategy or
how change will occur (Ali Mahdi et al., 2015).
In conclusion, change is hard to implement. Resistance to change exists within groups
and teams within organizations. However, with the right leadership, such may be easy to achieve. Change and Leadership Sample Assignment.
Adidas has realized its impediments to change and efforts to improve on them.
Adidas AG SWOT Analysis. (2015). Adidas AG SWOT Analysis, 1(1), 1-9.
Ali Mahdi, H. A., Abbas, M., Mazar, T. I., & George, S. (2015). A Comparative Analysis of
Strategies and Business Models of Nike, Inc. and Adidas Group with special reference to
Competitive Advantage in the context of a Dynamic and Competitive Environment. Change and Leadership Sample Assignment.
International Journal Of Business Management & Economic Research, 6(3), 167-177.
Cole, G A., & Kelly, P. P. (2011). Management Theory and Practice, Ed. 7. Cengage EMEA.
Segran, E. (2016). ADIDAS GETS IN THE GAME. Fast Company, (209), 46-48.
Thompson, J L., & Martin, F. (2005). Strategic Management, Ed. 5. Cengage Learning EMEA. Change and Leadership Sample Assignment.