Ethical Responsibilities and Families Support Essay

Ethical Responsibilities and Families Support Essay

The presented case involves a highly sensitive area of social work. An infant was born with a variety of disorders that require expensive surgery, with a high chance of new disorders appearing in the future. The parents cannot pay for multiple surgeries and seek advice about what to do. This paper will provide an overview of this situation based on the ethical principles screen and advice that is based on it.


The ethical principles screen consists of seven principles. The first is dedicated to the protection of life. This is the highest principle, and therefore any recommendation would have to be considerate of the infant’s life. Ethical Responsibilities and Families Support Essay. The second principle is equality and inequality, which states that access to the services and treatment, should be equal. The third principle is autonomy and freedom. It emphasizes the people’s right to choose the course of their life. The fourth principle promotes the idea that an ethical choice would bring the least amount of harm to the people.

Quality of life is the fifth principle, and it concerns the right to pursue the quality of life that people choose. The sixth principle is privacy and confidentiality which protects people’s private information from becoming public without consent. The final principle is truthfulness and full disclosure. It states that all the information provided to the client should be accurate and truthful (Corey, Corey, Corey, & Callanan, 2014).

I believe that the most important principles for this case are the preservation of life, least harm, and truthfulness. A social worker cannot make a choice for their client, but they are responsible for delivering enough accurate information so that the clients may make an informed decision. In this case, I would focus on providing all the possible information about the conditions that their child experiences. Since they are unable to pay for all the surgeries, I would recommend them to seek help from local and national charities that are focused on monetary help for infants born with disorders. CDC provides a list of organizations that are focused specifically on such cases (CDC, 2016). Ethical Responsibilities and Families Support Essay.


To ensure the least amount of pain for the child, the parents should focus on addressing those disorders that bring the most immediate suffering. After they are able to receive help, they will address the rest of the issues. It will not be an easy process but it would be important to make sure that the child is treated properly, and while the chance of complete recovery is close to zero, they may still mitigate the issues enough to ensure a stable life for the child.

Despite the focus on a selection of principles, others are still preserved. The final word would still be with the parents, and their story will be kept private unless they decide to share it publicly. The surgery process will affect their quality of life, but it would have to be a consensual effect. Unfortunately, their socioeconomic condition prevents them from receiving full treatment, but perhaps with the help of the previously mentioned charitable organizations, the parents will be able to receive the help they require.


This is a very sensitive situation. My responsibility as a social worker is in providing ethical recommendations to my clients. The parents, in this case, have a possible solution to at least part of their problems due to the existence of charities. However, the final decision is always on them.


Corey, G., Corey, M. S., Corey, C., & Callanan, P. (2014). Issues and ethics in the helping professions with 2014 ACA codes. Boston, MS: Cengage Learning.

We live a “free” world many confuse this and often think that they are exempted from responsibilities . But in the family dynamic there is many things that are required of us . Every family member has rights and responsibilities, many confuse privilege with rights but there is a difference the word “right” is something to which one has a lawful claim . And a responsibility unlike a right is something for which one is responsible. The family is very important in the shaping of our society whether we choose to acknowledge it or not this structure creates a balancing act in which all units carry out what is required of them to result in the running of ” well oiled machine”. some of the duties and responsibilities of family members are the provision of resources, nurturance and support, life skills development , maintenance and management of the family system . To begin with each family member especially the parent must provide the essentials . Ethical Responsibilities and Families Support Essay. When a individual decides or becomes a parent they take on the task of caring for another human being, so therefore it is their responsibility to provide the necessary essentials for survival which include monetary funds, clothing and shelter. As it is the right of every family member to have these . Secondly , Nurturance and support is also important such as the family and or family members play an effective role in nurturing and rearing of the children such as being a support system. Parents or other family members fulfill this duty by creating a home filled with tenderness, respect and fidelity, in which the virtues of self denial and sound
The difference may depend on the size and income of the family. Big families mean more members to share the household chores. Families with big income can afford to hire outside help who can do most of the household task. Families with small income have to distribute the household task among

And why do people who appear similar sometimes have completely different sets of individual ethics? These are because there are five most common factors that can influence a person’s individual ethics. The first factor is family influence. Certainly, family influence is the strongest influence in our lives when we grew up. Our parents characteristics, the behavior of our siblings, our family’s socioeconomic status, their education, the place they lived in will shaped the children’s most vulnerable time. The second factor is peer influence. Peer influenceis the influence applies by an individual or a peer group to encourage other individuals to change their behaviors, values, or attitudes in order to comply with individual or groups norm. The third factor is life experience. From the day we were born till now we must have gone through a lot of life experience which is good, the bad and the ugly which is normal in a person’s life. The person will become wiser through his experience. The forth factor is personal values and morals. Personal values and morals are a standard that we set for ourselves to live by. These values vary by individual and are very personal that may involve culture, tradition and religion.Ethical Responsibilities and Families Support Essay.  There are no absolute moral values, what is wrong for you may not be wrong for me. And the last factor is situational factors. The influence of situational factors will determine the individual’s ethical situations and can attribute a behavior to factors in the person’s surrounding.

These factors slowly form a single personality through the process of growing up since childhood time. During this process a person will become good or evil depend on how those factors influence them. In this essay, I am going to talk about three most critical factors that have the most influence on the formation of an individual ethics, which is family influence, peers influence and life experiences. (34%plag) (28%)

Family Influences Personal Ethics

Now let’s see how a family can influence a person ethics. An infant is a piece of blank paper when they are born. They will be learning and gaining experience and information that being sends to them. The first influence would be their parents. My parents were what made me who I am today.

They taught me such as values, love, confidence, communication, culture, beliefs and many other topics that develop the self and how to behave towards society with our culture, tradition and religion. My mother taught me how to grow up with a strong and helpful family members and she was always there for me. She taught me how to care for sick members of a family.Ethical Responsibilities and Families Support Essay.  I learn from my mother how a grown child cares about their parents, siblings and their in laws the way my mother cares for her elders. She would say that is a family’s voluntary sacrifices and love forever rather than creating debts to be repaid. They taught me laughter is good family medicine. Humor is an escape valve for family tension. They showed me how to pursue a good work ethic, and how to treat others the way I want to be treated.

Next, I learn about being independent. At the age of adolescents, I was taught to do my own laundry and other necessities to my life. I was rebellious at the beginning and that my friends are not being told to do so but I was force to do even though I am their only son! But years later, it was a great advantage for me when I was on my own.

Not all family influence is good for their children. I am an example of this negative influence. I have been a smoker for too many years, started at the age of 17 when I was in Form Five (1983). Smoking all the while then suddenly in the year 2005, I almost burn down my house because the cigarette falls on my sofa and it caught fire. I realize smoking is bad. I quit 22 years after. And the auspicious day was February the 14 – Valentine Day. My wife and family were very happy. But the question is how do I become a smoker? The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined ‘adolescents’ as a persons between 10 to 19 years age group and their research confirms that children whose parents smoke are more likely to pick up the habit themselves between the age of 13 and 21, as reported by Dr Douglas Bettcher, Director of WHO’s Tobacco Free Initiative. Ethical Responsibilities and Families Support Essay.

My father was a role model for me. I grow up seeing my father smoked around me. My house was full of ashtrays everywhere. He used to send me to the store to buy his cigarettes or ask me to pick up the packet from his car. My father’s smoking tempts me to smoke behind or in absence of my parents. My father disapproves and warned me of teenage smoking, but he continues to smoke. The evidence is clear from this research, that if parents don’t want their children to start smoking, it is important for them to stop their own smoking. Now, I do not allow any visitors to smoke in my house or car, and if they do smoke, they should not do it, in front of my children. I also do not allow my children to handle smoking materials. In this way, I am taking care of their health and as well as theirs well-being. I don’t want my kids to be smokers. (10% plag) total 17% plag

Peer Influence.

Peer influence exists for all ages and there are two types, negative and positive influence. Papalia, (1998) argued that as children begin to move away from parental influence, the peer group will open up new perspectives. To be a member of a peer group, an adolescent must accept the values and behavioral norms even though these may be undesirable. Mostly Peer influence harms you in society for example, smoking, drinking, drugs, fighting, vandalism and rebellious against society.

In Malaysia, peer influence has a great impact on gangsterism. In a study on “Gangsterism among Secondary Schools” by the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Crime Prevention Foundation of Malaysia (2010 Publication), reported that serious misconduct exhibited by secondary schools is primarily influenced by gangsters. Was it a peer influences? Let’s look at a confession by an Ex-gangster.

Thanabal (not the real name), 25 years old, College student. Thanabal was a prominent school hooligan in Sentul area. Gangsterism took over his life at the age of 15, while he was studying in form 3.Ethical Responsibilities and Families Support Essay.  During form 3, most of his friends became gangsters and his academic achievement was also down the drain. When asked why he joined gangsterism, he replied, “9 out of 10 of my friends are gangsters. I would be left out and feel isolated if I don’t join them and also I couldn’t stand my friends’ persuasion and taunting”. Another reason why he joined gangsterism is to gain popularity and recognition in school. Thanabal identify himself with school hooligans and thug gangs. (0% plag)

Positive peer influence.

Adopting Good Ethics: Peer influence is not always bad. It can help you reflect on yourself. Peers may teach you good things and encourage you to follow them. My organization is big and being part of a larger group of peers, I am exposed to the variety in human behavior. These make and reflect my behavior and where I stand. I am fortunate enough to get a good peer group. My peers influence me into shaping my personality in a positive way. It’s not influence every time, sometimes its inspiration, which makes you change for good. Most of my peers are doing degree programs and they would always encourage me to follow them. They would always motivate me and one of them used to say, “You have a key in your hand and you don’t know how to open a door with it. Your field is so important, you just don’t know. With a degree, you can ace the field. You will have so many people around you; you won’t know whom to choose from to just “hang out” with. Go and enroll at Open University of Malaysia (OUM), study hard, get your degree and the rest you are missing now will come around itself”. I told him I am already 46 years old, but he said age is only a number. The influence and inspiration he gave was a challenged to me, if he can do it why not me. I am attached with Customs Department since 1991. My experience and knowledge is not enough for my promotion to senior officer, and it’s time for me to attain a university degree and improve my standard of living. The path I chose was a reputable university and that’s how I end up with OUM. (7%plag) Ethical Responsibilities and Families Support Essay.

Life is about experience.

On 26th February 2013, I attended a funeral of a teenager who died in an accident in Penang. What caught my attention was the action of the family members that had consented to donating his organs. Although the young boy had not pledged to donate his organs, his family members gave the green light. The Star had reported the parent’s noble action and a check at National Transplant Resource Centre website showed their latest statistic until 31st July 2012 stated that there are 378 organ donation cases recorded and 200,796 registered organ donor pledgers. There are 16,000 people currently on a waiting for organ transplants.


At the funeral I learned a very valuable lesson in my life about organ donation. Without wasting any time, on 28th February, my wife and I registered as an organ donor at Pusat Sumber Pendermaan Organ, Manjung Hospital.

According to Dr. FRANK RIDDICK (American Medical Association): “These are organs which will be buried or cremated unless they are transplanted. There is an ethical obligation to do everything possible to improve the health of the public and to meet the needs of the patient population.” Ethical Responsibilities and Families Support Essay.

But not many people agree that taking organs from the dead person is a justifiable practice within certain ethical boundaries. In Malaysia, the main restriction came from religious objections, lack of publicity and awareness education to the public.

Every year hundreds of people have their lives saved as a result of organ transplants. However, every year thousands of people die who would have lived had they received a transplant. Indeed, the majority of people waiting for a transplant never receive one; they die first. (Written by Professor Michael Reiss, Institute of Education, University of London.)

Now, I am a proud organ donor and had done my part to the community.Ethical Responsibilities and Families Support Essay.  Ethical organ donation may help change the lives of others who are suffering from organ failure and someone in desperate need and one day my organ may help change the lives of others. Give them the priceless gift of life! (27% plag)


My life embarrassments experience is alcoholism. This incident happen on August 2007 after a night out in a local pub, I couldn’t find my way home and I was hovering and that was when I was caught by the police after a chase and accident. Big arguments happen between me (I am totally drunk) and the policemen, they arrested and took me to a hospital for a urine and blood test to charge me for drink and drive. The doctor who performed the procedure recognized me by my wife who is a radiographer at same hospital and he called my wife, which was at 5am! My wife came and rescued me. This has become a big embarrassments moment my family and me and I become fully aware of the negative effect of alcoholic drinks. That was the last day I tasted the beer. Ethical Responsibilities and Families Support Essay.