Maryland Environmental Laws Essay Paper.

Maryland Environmental Laws Essay Paper.

The Department of Environment in Maryland regulates and takes appropriate action in
response to environmental violations.  Maryland Environmental Laws Essay Paper.The enforcement role of the Maryland Environmental Department is a critical tool towards protecting the public health and the restoration of quality air, land and water resources in Maryland (MDE (a) Para 2). Violations to the environment are pursued by the MDE in relation to fair and predictable guidelines established by the federal, local
and state authorities in order to ensure that the citizens living in Maryland are equally protected and regulations authorities operate on a level playing ground. The aim of environmental laws and
regulations is to protect and promote a sustainable and healthy environment. In order to achieve this noble goal, the Maryland Department of Environment encourages its populace to be
informed about environmental regulations and it also offers educational support in relation to
projects, events and policies (MDE (a) Para 4). Maryland Environmental Laws Essay Paper.

The state of Maryland enacted the Maryland Healthy Air Act with the aim of ensuring
that Maryland attained the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ozone (MDE
(b) Para 1). The act regulates and subsequently demands significant reduction of deposition of
atmospheric nitrogen to waters of the state including the Chesapeake Bay and it also calls for
reduced emissions of mercury from coal fired electricity generating plants. The Maryland
Healthy Air Act is the strictest environmental emission regulation on the east coast and demands
the reductions in sulfur (IV) oxide, mercury and nitrogen oxide from large plants that burn coal to generate electricity (EPA Para 2). In addition, the Healthy Air Act demands that Maryland
becomes part of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) that seeks to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions. Nitrogen related emissions are a primary challenge to Maryland’s smog problem and contributes in a significant manner to Chesapeake Bay nitrogen pollution. Additionally,
sulfur (IV) oxide is the most significant contributor to air pollution problem in Maryland and has a substantial role in establishing regional haze that is a key visibility degrader. Consequently, the
Healthy Air Act has played a pivotal role towards reduction of nitrogen and sulfur related
emissions in Maryland. Maryland Environmental Laws Essay Paper.
Approximately 95 percent of air pollutants in Maryland are emitted from oldest and
largest coal burning plants in the state. It is against this backdrop that the state of Maryland
enacted the Healthy Air Act to control air pollution and be part of the national 2010 deadline for
fine particulate and health standards for ozone layer. Consequently, coal- burning plants is one
of the substances regulated by the Maryland environmental department. The Maryland
Department of Health aims at regulating plants that burn coal to generate electricity in order to
shield the Chesapeake Bay by cutting down mercury and nitrogen pollution from the air. In
addition, the Laws seek to improve visibility throughout Maryland’s scenic areas. The Health Air
Act as a result, impacts on the biggest coal – burning power plants in Maryland. The facilities
that the act regulates include Wagner and Crane plants; the R Paul Smith Plant; Morgan town and
Dickerson plants; and Mirant Corporations Chalk Point (MDE (b) Para 8). Violation of laws that
relate to pollution from coal – burning power plants is penalized under standards established by
the Environmental Protection Agency in relation to laws under the Maryland Environmental
Department. The plant can be fined a substantial amount of money for violating the Federal Clean Air Act and the Maryland Healthy Air Act.The second substance that environmental laws in Maryland regulate in relation to
emissions is hazardous waste emitted as by – products of certain manufacturing processes. The
Maryland Department of Environment regulates hazardous chemical products that are emitted
from commercial industries. Hazardous chemical products emitted from industries can cause or
contribute to increment in serious illness or mortality, or threaten the environment or human
health (MDE (c) Para 2). Maryland Environmental Laws Essay Paper. Maryland environmental laws require individuals or groups that emit
hazardous chemical substances to arrange for shipment of such products to designated sites. In
order to ensure compliance, the Maryland Department of Environment routinely inspects
licensed hazardous waste facilities and hazardous waste generators. Those plants found to be
violating guidelines established for emitted hazardous chemical substances are penalized under
the civil or administrative actions. In Maryland, violation of laws regarding hazardous waste is
deemed a felony and it is punished under criminal sanctions that include imprisonment. Maryland Environmental Laws Essay Paper. The law requires individuals who generate hazardous waste to put programs in place aimed at reducing
the toxicity and volume of chemicals emitted from their plants.
In summary, environmental concerns have increasingly gained significance in Maryland
today. The state of Maryland has adopted laws that seek to regulate emission of harmful
substances into the atmosphere. These substances include nitrogen and sulfur related gases that
cause or contribute to diseases and death. It is against this backdrop that Maryland Department
of Environment adopted the Healthy Air Act that regulates and subsequently demands significant
reduction of deposition of atmospheric nitrogen to waters of the state including the Chesapeake
Bay and calls for reduced emissions of mercury from coal fired electricity generating plants. Maryland Environmental Laws Essay Paper.


Works Cited

Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) (a). “MDE Enforcement and Compliance.” Web.
1 June 2014.
Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) (b). “The Maryland Healthy Air Act” web. 1 June
Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) (c). ” Hazardous Waste Program” web. 1 June
2014. Maryland Environmental Laws Essay Paper.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). “Cross-State Air Pollution Rule in Maryland”
web. 1 June 2014. Maryland Environmental Laws Essay Paper.