Methods for Biasing BJT Transistors Assignment.

Methods for Biasing BJT Transistors Assignment.

In this experiment we will explore the different methods for biasing BJT transistors. Methods for Biasing BJT Transistors Assignment.

Read the Lab outline entirely before starting your work. Remember that your lab report will need to include your measurements, calculations, screenshots, etc. as indicated at the end of this outline.



1.- Emitter-bias configuration

1.1 Consider the circuit in Figure 5.1. Calculate the following parameters: Ib, Ic, Vce, Vc, Ve, Vb (Use the

value of β calculated in Module 4 Lab).

Figure 5. 1: Emitter-bias Configuration

ELEC 160 – Module 5 Laboratory – Page 2

1.2 Build the circuit of Figure 5.1 and measure these parameters.

1.3 Compare the calculated versus the measured values.

2. Voltage-divider bias configuration. Methods for Biasing BJT Transistors Assignment.

2.1 Consider the circuit in Figure 5.2. Calculate the following parameters: Ib, Ic, Vce, Vc, Ve, Vb (Use the

value of β calculated in Module 4 Lab or the value calculated in Section 1 of this lab).

Figure 5. 2: Voltage-divider bias configuration

2.2 Build the circuit in Figure 5.2 and measure the same parameters.

2.3 Compare the calculated versus the measured values.

ELEC 160 – Module 5 Laboratory – Page 3

3. Collector-feedback bias configuration

3.1 Consider the circuit in Figure 5.3. Calculate the following parameters: Ib, Ic, Vce, Vc, Ve, Vb (Use the

appropriate value of β).

Figure 5. 3: Collector-bias configuration

3.2 Build the circuit in Figure 5.3 and measure the same parameters.

3.3 Compare the calculated vs the measured values. Methods for Biasing BJT Transistors Assignment.

Laboratory Report

Create a laboratory report using Word or another word processing software that contains at least these


– Introduction: what is the purpose of this laboratory experiment?

– Results for each section : Measured and calculated values, calculations, etc. following the outline.


Include screenshots for the circuits and waveforms as necessary — You can press Alt + Print_Screen

inside Multisim or if using Windows 7, you can use the “Snipping tool”. Either way, you can paste these

figures into your Word processor.

– Conclusion : What area(s) you had difficulties with in the lab; what did you lean in this experiment;

how it applies to your coursework and any other comments. Methods for Biasing BJT Transistors Assignment.