NR228 Nutrition, Health and Wellness Essay.
1/. In the rubric, everything in red is needed to be done (Be specific, Part 6-Barriers and Part 7- Summary).
2/. In the PowerPoint, although I have started working on some points, please continue working on slide 11 to 16. Disregard the ones before and after those slides, those are for other group members to complete, except for the reference page at last which requires incorporating all the resource that have been found. NR228 Nutrition, Health and Wellness Essay.
3/. Include the speaker notes along with those slides (11-16)
4/. Include references and in-text citation
To evaluate, compare, and analyze menus from different agencies and suggest revisions for healthier food choices based on the cultural and age group. Students in a cultural concentration will use that specific cultural focus to complete this assignment. Those students in a cultural concentration (such as the Hispanic concentration) should be grouped together for this assignment. However, should the groups be mixed (with students in the cultural concentration and students not in the cultural concentration), the RUA must explore the cultural concentration (my group is working on Hispanic concentration).
COURSE OUTCOMES: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO1. Assess whether nutritional intake provides basic nutrients for optimal health and wellness.
(POs 1 & 2)
CO2. Describe nutritional needs for optimal health and wellness throughout the lifespan. (POs 1 & 2)
CO3. Discuss the psychological, sociological, economical, and cultural implications of food on nutritional status. (POs 1 & 2)
CO4. Describe evidence based practice interventions and modifications in nutrition therapy that can
positively influence the outcome of disease and illness. (POs 1 & 8)
NR228 Nutrition, Health and Wellness Essay.