Reducing Cholesterol Levels in Hyperlipidemia Patients Essay.
A consistent debate persists regarding the optimal macronutrient distribution and the energy content needed to promote efficient and healthy weight loss irrespective of the vast research conducted. The use of very low level of carbohydrate diets is most common, and research reveals that low carbohydrate levels are effective in improving the short-term weight loss (Volek, VanHeest & Forsythe, 2005). Reducing Cholesterol Levels in Hyperlipidemia Patients Essay. Regular physical exercise is fundamental because they produce positive impacts in reducing weight. There is debate however on the most effective means of exercise, duration, intensity, and the mode required achieving the benefits. Efficient weight loss treatment is paramount for a lifelong plan or else there can be chances of weight regain. This paper aims to establish a revolutionary new drug that can be used to reduce the levels of cholesterol from hyperlipidemia patients. Reducing Cholesterol Levels in Hyperlipidemia Patients Essay.
According to Zullig, Sanders, Thomas, Brown, Danus, McCant, & Bosworth (2015)), high total cholesterol is an adjustable risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Nearly 64% of patients professed high cholesterol as very fatal. Self-efficacy is essentially connected with the desire to regulate cholesterol. Admittedly, perceived severity is fundamentally related to the desire to regulate cholesterol. Hyperlipidemia is asymptomatic and therefore most veteran affairs cannot perceiveit very seriously. Important health beliefs concepts can be used to assess patient cholesterol associated health beliefs and analyze the relation between the patient level factors and the aspirationto enhance cholesterol control. To achieve this, baseline data can be usedfor continuing randomized clinical information. Research revealed self-efficacy and perceived hyperlipidemia as severe as the major factors associated with the need to enhance cholesterol control. Reducing Cholesterol Levels in Hyperlipidemia Patients Essay.
Hyperlipidemia refers to the many fat or lipid contents in the blood. Hyperlipidemia is known through two major terms as high triglycerides and high cholesterol. The human body utilizes some amount of cholesterol on adaily basis. The system can sometimes get out of control either through diet or genetics. Highamounts of the optimal HDL cholesterol are related to the reduced risk of stroke and heart disease. The high-density lipoproteins (HDL) are beneficial since it assists in eliminating cholesterol from the arteries which lessen the creation of plaque(“Hyperlipidemia”, 2015). The bad low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol can result in blockage of the arteries if there is plenty of the body. Maintaining ahealthy diet and increasing the physical exercise are critical in regulating the high cholesterol levels. Health personnel can recommend medication in addition to regular exercise and healthy eating (Volek, VanHeest & Forsythe, 2005). Reducing Cholesterol Levels in Hyperlipidemia Patients Essay.
The research was conducted to determine the distribution of low-density subgroups in people suffering hyperlipidemia. The subjects were selected from the patients who visited the central laboratory for the analysis of lipid profile. The laboratory results LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, triglyceride, and HDL cholesterol were examined, and the serum samples from the patients with various forms of dyslipidemia were gotten. The samples were stored at 4˚C, and it was analyzed for low-density cholesterol within three days. It is important to recognize that the samples were collected after an overnight fasting. Since the point of interest was not the lipid disorder etiology, the patient demographi Reducing Cholesterol Levels in Hyperlipidemia Patients Essay.cs was not used. The relationship was basedon the lipid parameters and the LDL subgroups.
There are various methods for weight loss programs in the American colleges and institutions (Lippincott & Wilkins, 2013). The test, however, needs to be taken using a participant prescription and progress that needs medical attention as a result of too much fat content in the body. Various fitness programs are emerging to be a matter of great concern in the institutions of higher learning. It is noteworthy that standardized measures for waistline sizes are used to ensure an appropriate prescription for students who need medical checkups. Studies reveal that cholesterol control at an individual level is heterogeneous. The medical specialist should, therefore, instruct the patients on the benefits of controlling the cholesterol levels. The methods for cholesterol control can be ably achieved through physical exercises.
A 12 week supervised program was used to reduce the patient cholesterol (Gibbons, Catherine, et al., 2015). The method can be succeeded through coordinated exercise that is constantly monitored, and the constant check of the waist sizes to monitor the participant’s progress. The method can be optimally achieved through ensuring that both the dependent and the independent variables are instituted during the training program to ensure that the participants benefit from the program. The 12-week program is essential in monitoring the progress of the level of body fat contents through a provision that can compare the outcomes with an already done research. Reducing Cholesterol Levels in Hyperlipidemia Patients Essay.
A study was conducted by a pharmaceutical company to determine a revolutionary new drug that is intended to reduce the cholesterol levels in patients suffering hyperlipidemia. The company randomly selected 31 people to test them on the efficiency of the new drug. The entire participants received a full physical test which included ablood test to measure the cholesterol levels before prescribing the drug. The participants took the new drug for one year. The cholesterol levels of the participants were then measured at four intervals. The intervals were baseline, three months, nine months, and twelve months. Determining the cholesterol levels is important because each year a considerable number of people suffer from the coronary artery disease. If the cholesterol levels are not checked recurrent attacks will occur(Jellinger, Mehta, Handelsman & Shepherd, 2012 Reducing Cholesterol Levels in Hyperlipidemia Patients
). Reducing Cholesterol Levels in Hyperlipidemia Patients Essay.
Results with data tables/output tables
According to CDC, nearly one in every six groups in the United States has cholesterol. According to themost medical community, the high cholesterol levels can double the risk of contracting heart disease. An experimental cholesterol medication is available that operates differently from the existing drugs on the market. The drug is a major development in reducing the bad LDL cholesterol. The first research established that the drug was extremely successful in generating reduced LDL cholesterol levels(Levine, 2012). The result was composed of three phases. The first two phases determined the short-term wellbeing of the medication. Nearly all the participants demonstrated a decreased rate of LDL cholesterol for the ones who used the drug. Reducing Cholesterol Levels in Hyperlipidemia Patients Essay.